Leo Club's Farewell
Gurney Seoul Garden
fianlly me and feicui decide to go leo's farewell
i went to library early in the morning
and feicui fetch me along to gurney around 2pm for farewell
MBS rovers held farewell at the same place with us
feicui and shu hwa

My best Study Patner and buddy - Fei Cui

and leo club's teacher advisor too !!

Volleyball Club's Farewell
House Of Steamboat
we had a continuosly farewell this week
and this farewell is th emost special
which just 4 upper 6 seinors going
haha which is me, zying,feicui and ping
and we went to Pasar Malam after that
Ping Pong Club's Farewell
Chef Delight
had pingpong's farewell at somewhere else
western food !!
at the same day, Wooi Ping came to library meet me
she present me a present which is a little green froggy ! haha
we have lots to chat but too bad i was rushing to farewell so can't chat more
nevermind. I'll meet you after my STPM !
i follow pei's car to farewell
then me, ping, yunpei, camel, joofong, tingting, sgiveand huimin
went to coffee island after that
it was a GREAT and FUN night with them
we played mafia games there
wish to go with u all again ya !! =)

haha they are argue-ing and guessing who is the mafia LOL !!
Tourism Club's Farewell
Sunrise Pizza Hut
the last farewell to me..
i follow zheng ying's car to there after study at library
OMG..it was saturday damn jam
we find parking space for almost 1 hour
finally we park at the place that will kena saman..
haha don't care d la..we was damn hungry that night