the 1st day of exam...PP and MUET
i made manyyyyy mistake.
after i pass up i just can't accept the mistake that i make
the main reason is i careless !!!
what i memorize the most it din came out in exam
somemore i wrote the wrong point..what the !!
after it MUET..i have no mood to write 3 essay
again and again i misunderstanding the question
and i just simply wrote it
dun wish to talk about it again
hmmmm..just hope that i can do it better in the coming mid term exam
jia you !!!
today is econ's paper
still the same we have not enough time to finish it
rush and rush
the Obj is tricky and the sub still ok
but my econ also same
dead and gone !! haha
after econ's exam
you know why ? because they never treat me as a girl
everyday fighting with me
you know why ??
because fish took his shirt and round on her neck
see chuckie's face look damn happy !! haha XD
chuckie i think u won't wash ur shirt d..haha
us in Arts 5
feicui and chuckie
her expression is many
capture by the siao feicui when i telling zhengying about my skate stories in QB
i know my action is many..hehe
1st - his funny face
2nd - duh..whats that ??
3rd - this is the most nice..like his smile
she look cute in the 1st 2 photos
we are checking out econ's OBJ answer
1st time took photo with our ties
chuckie's face look like very pro in combing feicui's hairs
wow...chuckie's candid
studying Akaun
we have nothing to do after econ's paper although tomorrow is Account's paper
he's funny la
this is the most yeng, cool and nice candid among all his candid
Account's paper
luckily feicui ask me a question this morning about the kos penyimpanan
it came out nearly same in exam
lucky lucky..haha
BUT..i did wrong in my TPM
teacher keep on remind us must becaureful teh question
but i still make mistake
whole question gone !!
tomorrow is math and PA. I din't take math. At night i received a msg from feicui, she told me that her house has no electricity now. At 1st i laugh like hell but after it feel she's pity can't study the whole night untill the next morning 4am.
END of my exam week.
The last subject PA i just see thru the text book and not really go and read it, because i am tired !! haha..
1 comment:
walao eh!!!y so many chuckie,zy,n 3 of u eh pic!!!xspecially,chuckie!!!
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