its thursday and i need to wake up early in the morning around 5am
to go MBS gather for a KL trip
but i sleep on 2.30am last night
just because i play chor tai tee with my sis.. haha
i reach school around 5.35am
i am not the 1st but not the last too
we then went up bus and have our journey to KL !
i din't feel sleepy but too bad i got influenced by fei cui who sleep beside me
and finally we reach KL around 11pm something
our 1st destination is KLCC
walk around and around
finally we decide to go KFC as i was craving for it too..hehe

we shop around and its shopping time for feicui and ping
after that we gather again and went to petrol science in KLCC
wait for 20mins then went in

another places which i feel interesting is the mind ball section
haha its fun and nice to try it
and i know that i don't have a clear and relaxing mind
haha just keep on laugh and the wave reach maximum all the time
after KLCC our next destination is Times Square
but we has been stuck in the traffic jam for almost 1 hour ++
when we arrive TS is out of our plan of time d
so we just have 1 hour to take our dinner there
we have no choice and went to Sushi King for our dinner
i order CURRY UDON ..haha what a 'nice' food huh
i can't finish it..i was full that time
but one thing the curry udon is good
because i was hyperactive after ate it
just feel like want to talk all the time and laugh non-stop
keep on sing in bus. haha
too high d la..
just can't stop talking and perli others
we go to our hotel -- Tune Hotel
for a rest and sleep
bath and pack all our things
then its our chor tai tee time !! wohoooo...
i am the queen of suffle...haha
i just like it..haha
2 & 3
we played chor tai tee the whole night
the time that we are waiting at 8TV lobby
and we finally got in..but still have to wait and queue up to get in 八八六十事
and we met xiao yu..i think i saw her in TV for a few times..
have fun to chor tai tee with them
and had a fight-in-dark with feicui
which is after off the light and i see nothing but we can fight..haha
the most enjoyable section to me in this trip !
The next morning i was the 1st one to woke up*proud*
ping and feicui just sleep like nobody business..haha
then bath and change up school uniform
then bath and change up school uniform
need to go parlimen later
have our breakfast at dunno where
have our breakfast at dunno where
then went to the big and nice parlimen
went in Dewan Rakyat
and the worker explaint something about the Dewan Rakyat
OMG..i just feel damn sleepy that time and the chair was so comfortable to sleep
Then have our journey to Chocolate Factory
as i not so like to eat chocolate so i din't feel excited like hannah..haha
we then headed to One Utama
its the most great and happy time
we met our Sir, Mr. Roger there
i miss him badly !!
miss the time he chat with me
miss the time he called my name
and miss his laughters !!
and i feel sorry to him that i don't have time to chat with him
as i feel uncomfortable that time
we miss you sir !! we will meet u next time !!
walk around and around..
because we lack of time to shop also
we must rush to 8TV
so we just saja walk around then went back to bus
and i was suffered in One U...i have gastric that time..OMG !!
pain till i can't say and talk anything and like wanna cry !
but after take some medicine then feel better d
next destination 8TV

and we met xiao yu..i think i saw her in TV for a few times..
but dunno her name
and i notice that Pn. Khor was fan of 8TV..haha
she is happy and excited to take photo with xiao yu..haha
8TV was our last destination..
next is our time to back to our sweet pg
even the most active group at the back also turn to be quiet..
good !!
but fish and cmun was still awake..haha
and zying & ping was in their dream d
have our photo taking time ! haha
take many photos as nobody will disturb us
cause everybody was sleeping..haha
then we join them to sleep after that too
a funny incident happen on feicui while sleeping
haha..i am lazy to mention here.
just the incident make me laugh non-stop..wakakakaz
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