its our cute fish birthday..
its the 4th year that i celebrate birthday with her
i knew her since form 4
cause i just sit behind her
so we knew each other start from there
and we sit together again when form 5 in class
just beside me..
we gossip, play, make fun, study and so on together
and our relation getting closer since form 5

after the basketball competition me and carol went to Mable's house
and fish, hueyi and ping are there too
mable's leg injured can't walk much so we choose to celebrate at her house
so that she no need walk
but some foods from pasar malam
then back to her house have our party..haha
funny incident happen around..haha
especially carol..haha she did many funny things la
wei..y post up my gerli foto huh.
my god. sia sui nia. lol.
n those candid wen f5.
ohh ya.. y u gt da foto tat captured by froggie in her houz de..? yerr..
hahaha..tats me..
4gt type da name at da st comment.
haha that froggie use my hp to capture wan ma
of course i had it la
gerli meh f5 photo ??
nice what..haha
s-tu-pid forgot type name also can..duhh..
haha..c gui.
i mean ugly de is my photo.
which is da pic dun hv u 1 la.
guan lai is use ur ph took de meh..
y i now oni noe it de.
u mean with the ribbon wan hor ??
haha nice what..so 'chubby' haha
photo with me wan all very nice eh..
ehh hello
that photo almost 2years d leh
now u only know..too late d la
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