I went Gurney with feicui and zhengying since zy off day
hmmm..again zhengying was late and greenlane very jam too
while waiting him, i had finish 3 episodes of my drama d
haha..but nvm la..
we pick up feicui and headed to Gurney
plan to watch movie but at last cancel it
cause its not much time for us d..hehe
so had our lunch at Kim Gary then walk around
we went to Nichii and F.O.S. to search for CNY clothes
hahaha and i get PERSUADE by zy and fc to have a try on the dress
haha XD

both of us look great !!

so we chill at Winter Warmers
and again i had my Iced Peach Tea..
we play chor tai dee there
and met feicui's friend there..they join us to play cards too
it was fun anyway..
i met Andrea and her sister there too
she was kinda excited when saw me..haha
and she still that friendly and pretty
besides that i met Mable and Deborah Wong too
feel surprise to meet Mable there..cause i tot she was working that time XD

Zheng Ying drop me to kaikan on 8something
and i rush in the toilet to change clothes..haha turn to be a guai girl
have our Acad V meeting there..
after that my friend fetch me to Carol's house to surprise her
since i have meeting can't join her steamboat party
so i just went there and have a short chat with her
cause the next morning she gonna back to genting to work d
bought some gastric med and strepsils for her
had fun with my rovers friend there..and met Hue Yi there too
around 1055pm i went back d...cause i can't late back home nowadays
haha i am cinderella !!
however just went to Carol's house to meet her before she back to genting..
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