actually i plan to straighten it after CNY
haha cause need to save money
but dad suddenly so good wo
sponsor me and my sis straighten and my mum dye hair
so suddenly
but is good la
we went to REBON which near godmum's house there salon
the stuff all so cute..
and the most funny thing is
they say my sister joanne is my big sister
my god face so gina ??
hello I more than her 4 years leh...
somemore ask me how old
i answer 19
they say
har ?? 19 ?? i tot u just 15 form 3..
and she dun believe that i am upper 6 student
haha funny
my friend told me too
say if not i wear the f6 school uniform
nobody know i am f6.
so so ?? hahahaz
but my sis very happy wo..
i wonder why she so happy ?? they say she look older than me wo
haha sot jor i think..
TADA ~~~

just cut short front part..=]
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