Rovers Campfire 09
i went to ping's house last night and overnight at her house
we study from noon till night 9something
but not really study much ler..hard to concentrate myself
another day we plan to study 1st then go to school
but fail..we went to QB and saw weihong and joofong working there
then we went for dinner and fetch carol and shu hwa
then went to school
reach school pretty early as the campfire was not yet start
we just walk around and take some photos

kenny and chuin qing
saw a crazy girl there.. LOL XD
shu hwa..she looks cute in this photo

Giu Yun

haha they really cool when take photo
but they are really cool when dancing !!

i din see her for almost 2 years d
miss her alots..she still the same like to quarrel with me. HAHA
my couple ping !!
haha and change to shu hwa then carol
haha its really fun !!

there's lots of stories when campfire
i can't write it all here..haha due to my short term memory lost
however i din't regret go for the campfire
its real fun and crazy all the night with them
i think i enjoy more than last year..cause friends around XD
after it..i am really tired d..din back home 1 night
i miss my bed and bolster..hehe
ping fetch me, carol, hui sien and shu hwa back home
thanks ya girl !!
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