Had a simple and fun celebration with my buddies
today was friday
after school i receive a news from feicui
she told me carol was not going to gurney tonight
stu stu me still trust her and call carol ask for it
carol also geng ! dunno anything but still 'kap mai' with feicui said that she maybe not going
bit upset when i knew she's not going haha
i went to school around 5pm wait for mable
then went to her house and wait for someone that said she not going on that night
while waiting Mable was practising piano cause she's going to perform on tomorrow's food fair
i likes and enjoyed watching her playing piano
OMG !! its great ! *claps*
we wait till 7pm or 7something
haha Carol came and fetch us ..finally..
and Mable also ' pua kang tao ' told me carol's going d
hahaha cha la you all
we meet up the others and went to Nando's to have our dinner
aha !! my favourite !
Alex, Weihong, Chongmun came too
Chongmun was ann kang-ing again.. =.=
he went back earlier after it..due to family stuff
my best study partner, gossip patner?? haha and my buddy =)
Feicui ♥
pity u weihong
feicui, weihong and yunpei
the Mr. Blur in our class
Alex ..my heng dai..haha
after that we walked around and find some place to chill
at last we decide breeks
we din bring cards so just play truth or dare
haha fish kena the worst
she choose dare
so she need to finish up the 6 glasses of water haha
which is feicui ask 2 deck of cards from the waiter
then the waiter bring 6 cups of water for us
hahahaha !! funny la.
fish being punish..haha
we went back earlier today due to tomorrow's food fair at MBS
need to wake up earlier
especially our Miss Mable Ooi..
she have 4 performance tomorrow..haha
Carol fetch me, feicui and fish back
♥ BIG THANKS to Carol ♥
she try to find transport for us on that night
had a great talk with her while on the way back to my house
I woke up early in the morning
and went to MBS Food Fair on 9am sharp
haha cause i want to watch the opening by choir
we bought many foods and went to scout den and enjoyed it
haha due to the table at field there was full of peoples
around 11pm something finally ping and feicui was here d
they came to school from my house haha
school field is full with mug..
we back around 2.30pm
and went to PC fair with feicui, yeeming and ping
meet lots of friend there
but there are hard to find parking space
and it rain heavily too that day

Feicui ♥

feicui, weihong and yunpei


after that we walked around and find some place to chill
at last we decide breeks
we din bring cards so just play truth or dare
haha fish kena the worst
she choose dare
so she need to finish up the 6 glasses of water haha
which is feicui ask 2 deck of cards from the waiter
then the waiter bring 6 cups of water for us
hahahaha !! funny la.

we went back earlier today due to tomorrow's food fair at MBS
need to wake up earlier
especially our Miss Mable Ooi..
she have 4 performance tomorrow..haha
Carol fetch me, feicui and fish back
♥ BIG THANKS to Carol ♥
she try to find transport for us on that night
had a great talk with her while on the way back to my house
I woke up early in the morning
and went to MBS Food Fair on 9am sharp
haha cause i want to watch the opening by choir
we bought many foods and went to scout den and enjoyed it
haha due to the table at field there was full of peoples
around 11pm something finally ping and feicui was here d
they came to school from my house haha
school field is full with mug..
we back around 2.30pm
and went to PC fair with feicui, yeeming and ping
meet lots of friend there
but there are hard to find parking space
and it rain heavily too that day

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