i usually went to 3 places for studying while preparing STPM
1st is ping's house
although its quite far but mostly i will follow ping back home then wait for dad to fetch me back
cause i am sure that my dad will go her house there..cause working..hehe
its a nice place to study..and it won't noisy too
plus we no need to talk softly..hehe
its her best entertainment while she's bored of studying LOL
its fun to study with them
this is what we done while we feel bored ! hehe
camel likes ping's bear much XD
and of course yunpei sure will join her to siao..haha
the day that me and pei overnight at ping's house after study
and continue study another day
the day that i follow ping back to her house after school..haha
had our girls talk while studying too ^^
and weihong my hei dai join us sometimes too..
the day that i study with Ping, Hooi See and Camel
haha we went to the spa there while we can't continue study anymore.haha
besides that ping and camel bought croz slippers from Hooisee too
the colours of the slippers was sharp !! ahaha..
too bad don't have green colour..haha
The 2nd place that i went for study is PBA
Me and Feicui usually went there while library din't open
mostly every monday and tuesday
althought the environment was not as good as library
but yet we won't feel sleepy while study at there
cause of fresh air and not as comfortable as library that make us fall asleep easily
The day that only me and feicui there =)
its ping's account file..
colour full and nice right ?? ahaha

camel likes ping's bear much XD
and of course yunpei sure will join her to siao..haha

and continue study another day

had our girls talk while studying too ^^
and weihong my hei dai join us sometimes too..

haha we went to the spa there while we can't continue study anymore.haha
besides that ping and camel bought croz slippers from Hooisee too
the colours of the slippers was sharp !! ahaha..
too bad don't have green colour..haha
The 2nd place that i went for study is PBA
Me and Feicui usually went there while library din't open
mostly every monday and tuesday
althought the environment was not as good as library
but yet we won't feel sleepy while study at there
cause of fresh air and not as comfortable as library that make us fall asleep easily

hope i won't get kill by feicui while she saw this post
HAHA cause she warn me not to post up those candid shot
The 3rd wan is Library
which is we go the most for study =D
its good and nice enough for us to study if without those form 5 noisy student
we went there from wednesday till sunday from 10am till 5.45pm
haha its constant for everyday if not public holiday or not monday and tuesday
untill Nov its a hot place for those form 5 and form6 students
untill Nov its a hot place for those form 5 and form6 students
so we need to go earlier to book place
haha just like wars everyday
and from there can see the differences between form 5 and form 6
those form 6 students will keep on do exercise or study and less talk
but those form 5 students will chat and chat
then play around there
its same like us la..when i was form 5..i din study whole day pun
but we really hate those make noise form 5 ginna kia there
they won't feel paiseh while there're many ppl staring and trying to SHH them
i also forgot about why i did this too..haha XD

colour full and nice right ?? ahaha
its what Mable Ooi did while she's bored of studying
haha she tried to take out all my stationaries..
'' I Miss Carol , I Miss Jacelyn too '' wrote by Mable Ooi too..
due to carol feel that her house is much more comfortable to study compare to library
and we din't get to study together at library..
and the time i like the most is dinner time after study !! XD
me and feicui always wore the smae colour of shirt without any discuss ^^
look at my face..its black because just finish our resurgence's camp not long ago
and also because of this camp
i started to knew more of Mable, Fish and Carol =D
actually we're discussing something..hehe
its the day after exam..hehe..
cause its the best entertainment for her..=.=
and she'll try to cubit me while i ignore her camera !! haha
i almost everyday went study with him too
there're many memories while preparing STPM
* ate Cup mee together in library
* have our lunch on library staircase there
* have war in library's toilet XD
* celebrate Carmen's birthday there
* meet some teachers there too
* use hp to capture down the Account's answer for revision
* Gossip in library too =D
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