March 27, 2008

SGM 创价学会 ==2==

佛教一般被视为静寂的宗教,但勤于为人“拔除苦难”,“ 给予快乐”

BTCC 北海的会馆 [ 常常去练习的地方]

PG kaikan 槟城会馆

PG kaikan inside....中间的是御本尊

SGI- Soka Gakkai International

第一代会长牧口先生 第二代会长户田先生 现任代会长池田大作

1 comment:

--Ping-- said...

haha..after sir said about it..u tell about sgm history pula..
i respect sgm bcz there are lots of activities that can help u all to grow n develop to a better person..