overnight at ping's house
as last night 13th od DEC just finish drama show at BTCC
so i straight away follow ping back home
for tomorrow star walk
haha i am very excited with star walk. hehe
and fish is coming to ping's house to overnight too
3 of us together u think the room will be peace ??
haha i don't think so..
we keep playing and gossip-ing
and ping is too happy on that night she can smile herself suddenly[something wrong d]
after bath we prepare to sleep
but...haha can't
that tims is around 2something i think
so we have some fun
watching her sisters singing there..haha funny XD
funny face..silly us
fish [ created by my hands..haha]
we play . gossip . fighting . untill around 4am..
just sleep..
but my alarm set on 4.45am..haha geng ?? sure..
i am the one who set the alarm by using my phone..
haha and i put a funny ringtone which start with many
*helo helo helo helo helo helo..walao eh...peng you...*
3 of us feel very geram when listen this alarm..
cause is really sleepy..
after that we take turn to take bath and clean up
then ping's mum fetch us to pisa stadium..
i have my breakfast with a box of milo
we arrive the stadium around 6am..
haha althoug many people there but we dunno all of them.haha
i meet pinyin, kok ting and wan nie there
haha quite surprise when saw them..
after that all of them was here d..hehe..
happy to meet them back..
and i saw digi man there to promote..
VERY CUTE...my god..hahaha i am digi man fans..haha
after that straight away start our star WALK d..
we walk 10km ....wow...
last time when secondary rangers 7km hike i already wanna faint..haha
can't believe that i can finish the journey
i have my journey with
feicui, chuckie and ping..
having alots of fun with them..
after finish our walk..we have our breakfast or lunch ?? at a food court
after that i follow chuckie's car back to ping's house
[ she keep smiling while sms-ing..hehe i know u know la har..]
==and i think ping u should change ur blog song to ''other song'' ==
[ bad feicui drive chuckie car turn here and there..hng !! haha]
[ haha his funny expression. but also have to thanks to him that fetch us back ]
after back to ping's house keep all my things
then i meet pei them at BJ cause she will fetch me back..
actually i quite miss pei car..she din fetch me for a long long time d
we learned a lot of cantonese in BJ complex..haha
after finish buying the computer games..is time to back home d..yes yes..
after back home i have a long nap..which is 5hours
hahaha is really tired ler..
my leg muscle damn pain..i know i old and weak..haha
then start blogging untill now is time to sleep..hehe
i can't stop chasing the gems of life this few days..
i have a strong feeling when walking into pisa stadium
just like year 2004 charity gala..
miss the memories of that time..
haha.. 3 frens in a room..sure cannot sleep wan la.. sure talk till the morning. :P
haha...geng wor...congratulation...hehe
can hike penang hill dee lo....
so so sweet talk wor u 3
haha yala..sure can't sleep wan.
but we still got sleep a while la
haha yalo..geng leh
i so weak still can walk..
dunwan hike la.haha i will faint
yer.... i wanna go star walk too la... haiz... T.T
yer.. i also wanna go walk la.... haiz....T.T
haha dun sad ler..
sure still got chance wan..
Hello I do not agree with all of you!
hello anonymous, Anything that u do not agree with us ??
Hi Thanks for such a perfect submit and the evaluation, I'm completely impressed! Maintain stuff like this coming.
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