July 27, 2007
July 26, 2007
blur day ???
today we have capture many many foto again...
waiting dey send 2 me 2nite o...yeah yeah !!!
we capture with our BC teacher Pn Choo...
haha she say my teknik tat capture nice and good ar...
ai zai la...5p1 who put d camera eh ?? me la..of coz..haha
today Pn Choo so chubby...her mood so so so good
1 page of 文言文we finish it in 45minutes...geng ler...
new record in our class
after tat..hng..tat tiao keh Cik Teoh came in...
lemon ask me ask her capture with us in class again...
NO !!! i wont ask her...if wan me ask
den i die better...
so at last lemon ask...sia sui...cik teoh so sui...
shake her head means dun1 den continue teaching again...hng hng hng...
after recess...
perdagangan ceramah teknik menjawab...
good wo...ask us write point form when SPM in kertas esei..
but after tat Lim Thong suddenly appear in front of us when after sch
he scold us dun listen....
he say in SPM if write point form...is wrong wrong wrong eh...
die lo...dis ceramah juz say can...
but turn over...Lim thong say cant wo...
hng..both also keliru 1...
we decide to ask Pn Tan 2mrw...is the best...she sure noe...
and sure will tell us d correct ans...hiak hiak hiak...
July 25, 2007
a happy and enjoy day...but...
coz of too many ppl absent when monday d...
say dis is not 5p1...worst den 5p3 la..
and those who get scolded by Pn koay...really like war
war in 5p1....scary....hahaz
so dun1 talk about dis d...hehez
cik teoh 2day duno qi tiao wat ar...
double period she juz sit at there
talk also din talk...book also din open
walk also din walk...juz sit at there...
we all already very silent d ma...wait her
but she dunwan start...
so u noe la...5p1 ma...wont silent 4 so long time eh...
so at last we take foto lo..coz she dun1 teach ma...
dun1 ma dun1 lo....without u i trust tat 5p1 can study their sejarah themselve
better den teach by u...
coz haiz...duno y...coz i dislike her period...
always tell us useless thing...and show off herself at there
beh tahan nia...
den pn chin period...
hahaz...a funny story have started...
we ask pn chin to keep the surprise of torotise 1st
den onli ask tat tortoise go n take it...
but pn chin...haiz...tell her...not surprise at all d la...
bo song eh....
refresh bek tat i try to talk to pn chin eh shi
really ho chiu....
duno how to tell suddenly...coz nervous...
so i use act to tell her...hahaha funny funny
den tat fishie...sui...juz stand there...den talk sum nia...hng...
sumore wan me start...hng hng hng...bully me...
den akaun period...
we ask Pn tan to take foto with us...
but she dunwan...she say she dislike to take foto...
but nvm...5p1 have 5p1 eh idea to ask till her take with us eh...wakakakakakaaz
den when Pn. Ng period...
wow....she so good
tiao ti left 5minutes 4 us to take foto with her...
pity her...so small in size always let us cover her till left her head in d foto nia...
haha...but really fun la..
den after sch...i tot i can go bek n rest d...yeah...
sumore gt autograph to write kuk...
manatau is stay 4 the pertandingan badminton...
but bad bad bad...batalkan also din tell us...
COMPLAINT !!!!! so chaaaaa
hng...waste my time to stay bek...yerrrr....hng...
so have my lunch d...onli bek...
whole day din rest tiok ler...
tired + sleppy...
plan to slp at 10pm...wake up on 1am...
but...i noe dis plan sure fail fail fail eh...
so...i admit i cant wake up la...so
juz finish all my things den slp d lo...
dis sat onli study d ler...o fri...more free...
haiz...really gai ar me...
[[ hope u all will be ok...and dun affect ur school mood....and ur drama mood...]]
dis is wat i can say...haiz...
July 21, 2007
nothing special...=.=
a timetable of who sell ice cream 4 nex week pass to my place there...
haiz...y put me with ' her ' a group...
i dunwan....
at last i tell monitor tat i wan change my group...
i dunwan ler....haiz...
den today we choose our class wakil 4 pertandingan badminton antara class
we choose camel n s.mooi...haha...so funny..
s.mooi say not ping pong wo..y choose me..haha
after sch...praisy fetch me bek..
she say...
nex wed is the competition d...
she ask me accompany her to stay bek and add oil 4 dem...
aikz...i gt tuition ler...
but she still say..nvm lo...we stay bek a while den bek earlier ma...
i noe...but do u know...i have to rest den onli go 4 my tuition eh ma...
haiz...suffer again ler...
i really din talk with my dad i think 4 days d lo...
hng...who ask him to bad...scold me...hng...
i wont start to talk with him eh...luan luan scold me...hng...
today i ponteng sch activity...
coz..really lazy to wake up coz las nite very late onli slp ler...
den plus stomachache dis morning...cant go also...
haiz...ping dey all go tarc d ma...juz left ann fong 2day...pity..hahaz...
2nite have to go btcc ...
junior cultural nite...haiz...
dunwan go also canot...coz nobody at home...
plus my mum din ask my permission already take the ticket 4 me...
chew...din ask me also.,..
den 2mrw dance practice + rehersal...
9am til 5pm...i wan die d...die better...
actually the dance 50% also not yet ok...
y rehersal...so weird 1....sot sot 1 la..haiz...bo lat with dem...
i juz think tat elene cant perform 4 d mongolia dance...
den i also can quit d...coz d dance need couple...
i know my thinking is bad la...
but...i really cant ma...tell u all b4 d...i wan be a stage crew
not a performer....
hope tat after 2mrw i can nonid go 4 practice d ler...
if not i really wana die d...
so many many thing tat i not yet finish study....
my limit date 4 me to study all f4 chapter have 2 delay again...
about d problem at sch...at class...outside...
juz dunwan think much d...
dunwan to think about it also..
affect my study mood...
i trust myself
i trust wat i thinking now...
July 19, 2007
July 18, 2007
a happy day...=]
coz my fren shiou kheng have sit bek behind me again...
so so so happy about dis..
2day morning she juz leace me a while..
i already very miss the memory with her when she sit behind me..
now she bek again...me, yulanda and fish also very happy about tat...
coz some reason..Pn. koay change her place bek d...yeah !!!
but ping is not in front me anymore..
but i prefer she not sit in front me..
coz she always get bully by sumone...pity her...
change place also good 4 her la actually...
haha ...but i cant kacau u d...haiz...sit till so far...
2day Pn. Ng...duno go where ki...
den din cum in...o absent...
we whole class like siao lang...
go here n there take foto...sumore miss ng bring us to library..
we took many foto at there too...in library...really siao...
den bek to class...we terpaksa take foto with lim thong...
haha...he always ask us..izzit wana take foto with me ?
my god...so thick face...haha
we took very funny eh foto with him...funny !!!
[[ will post up soon ]]
really miss it....really siao...haha...
really a happy day 4 me...
but..who know...after tat ...my fren cum to my house to online
raining...so she have to wait 4 a while onli can go bek..
we chat n chat lo...
y she tell me the things tat i dun1 to know o listen....
about a fren....
the fren...really kind...good...friendly...and siao...
i really miss her...
but she told me ...haiz...
of coz i wont so easy listen and trust it la..
but...i really easy gt influence from my fren...
wat they tell me...i really think till whole night...
think this think tat....duno think till where also...
today...another 2 ppl say me 笨笨 again leh...
is it real ???
haiz...i already listen din sentences when i wan form 3..
always get scold by jie and froggy dem..
scold the same sentences lo...
say me 笨笨 and easily get bully...
no comment 4 myself...haha
July 16, 2007
$uRpri$e !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the secret inside M&M...haha...thx...really thx...!! ^.^

today morning very very sleepy ler...
sleep till duno wat time i onli wake up...haha..i mean in sch canteen...
den ok lo...coz i feel cold ma...so go n buy a cup of hot milo 2 drink...
den din have breakfast d la...
tat milo is my breakfast d ma...
den straight away go bek class d...
but...really my god...
when the 2nd period of perdagangan...
i gastrik again...dis time like las time pain till wana cry...
den when bek from fizik lab...is start 2 pain till wana die d...
when Pn. Chin period..totally cant concentrate at all..
luckily she juz teach tatabahasa...if sastera..sure die..hahaz..
den after tat i bring a bottle of 100plus..go toilet a while..
den go n find sui lang tortoise d lo..
she so siao wan...ask me go 3rd floor find her
when find her...she juz ask me whether noe which jalur gemilang is colour by her eh..
haiz...i gastrik also cum n find her wo..she so bo leong sim...haha
sumore rampas 100plus with me...
den we go down canteen 2gather...
but i get perli by praisy wo...haiz...duno la...she sot eh...
den...bek to class d lo...after recess...
den still ok lo...science period i still can jump lai jump ki...
so nthg d...recover d...coz drink 100plus d ma..
den after school..i force fishie 2 wait tat tortoise with me...
tat time i already start headache d...
we go buy the crabstick opposite school 1...
but when we walk there...chew...2day off...din open....cheh...
waste my energy ler...
after tat i have ate 2 ice cream while waiting her ler...
duno will stomachache onot..haha i think wont kua...
bek to her hse...
start our mission d la...hand very pain ler...
but at last we have finsih our mission d lo..
happy leh...fast ler...we efficient eh ma...rite ??
although i get scolded by mum n dad..
but d surprise make me happy again from down...
thx ya...!!!
really thx....
and i dun1 sry from u ler...coz not ur fault..
is my own fault...hahaz...
[[ to the ppl who scold me today...if u think i can bek by bus everyday with so many dangerous..ok lo..tats ok...i also will continue ask my fren fetch me..coz u duno how difficult while take bus..while walk bek to home..while waiting bus...if i take bus...26..i have to walk bek 20minits..sumore have to cross over many road...u think tat is ok..nvm..i wont listen..blekz...
if u think..i go my fren hse is wrong...u r wrong..i juz go n finish our work..but not play..in ur mind..when we hang out o go to fren hse...always is juz =play=..NO...if u wan my math and other subject fail in SPM..u can continue ask me dun go ...but i also wont listen also..blekz..]]
[[ to my fren...tortoise...really thx 4 ur surprise...it reallt surprise...M&M..haha i din expect it b4...but d msg really thx ler...i noe u prepare it 4 long long time d...thx n thx n thx ler...but i enjoy it la...== who eat d sweet inside d M&M bottle...i will cop her == haha....thx...! muackx ]]
July 14, 2007
]] TiReD [[
wow...so so soooo tired today..but fun n enjoy..hahahaz...
morning...hehe..din expect tat i will wake up so early...
haha 7sumtin i receive froggy eh msg tiok wake up d...haha...
den i reply d den continue slp d..haha
den go prangi meet tat sui lang tortoise...hahaz
chew she late...
so i go popular buy my autograph 1st
yeah...at last i have buy d my autograph..
although i have noe where praisy bough her autograph..
but i dislike tat 1 eh..
coz if i buy tat 1...
1. expensive
2. i dislike same with her also actually
3. too nice d..ppl who write 4 me eh will cin cin cai cai write nia..
so..i buy plain eh..den let dem design nice nice 4 me..haha
after tat we go n eat our lovely chezzy wedges...
yummy !!!!!
but...so childish...we fight in KFC...
c0z of her hp...really my god..haha
many ppl watch tiao...haha...funny...
den we have start our mission d lo...
buy the things we want to buy lo...
many many many....
haha but also not bad la...at least my taste and tat tortoise eh same...
if not....sure argue at there...
she say going out with me like having war..haha
not bad ma...special ma...
rite ??
den we meet fish...haha dis 1 really funny ler...
hmmm...not so good to post here...
really sorry to fish la...u will noe it soon...
den i meet praisy , khai ling, at aloha...
coz ling work...den meet enjoe...
den after gt sumbody hungry
we go n eat macd lo...
we saw fish again..but she din saw us wo..
but tat is good..
becoz of she din notice us in macd ...
den i have win a suprise from tortoise...
waiting waiting...hahahahaha...
eii...oh ya...i meet wan nie, yi heng, and sim at mac d too..
tat wan nie wear till so pretty ya...
but her lao yi kuan still is the same..haha
after tat bek to her hse again...haiz..
haha...but i saw tiok froggy eh face so so so chan...and look weird...
she really very stress ler...cant help her anything also..
juz can help her sell ticket la..haha...hng...i will sell more den 1 eh...dun worry..
den after tat dad cum n fetch me go n have supper den bek home d lo..
[[ to my fren...froggy...ur face really look tired ler...look so weird and chan...take care ya..i noe except finish all ur work nothing can let u relax d ma...i cant help u also...juz..help u sell ticket la..hehe..u will receive my good news soon...sure will more den 1 ticket eh la...TAKE CARE !!! ]]
[[ to my fren...fishie...i wondering...whether u will c my comment 4 u at here onot..?? but i also wil post it...really sorry la 2day...u will noe soon d the reason...happy always ya..and smile always...waiting ur 6 pages eh autograph 4 me o..haha ]]
[[ to my fren...tortoise...chew..u sui...how also wan me post dis comment 4 u in my blog..haha..last nite i gt post..but u duno..but..dis morning i delete d ..haha coz i siok..haha..hmmm...wat i wan to say...all already tell u in msg d...juz wan 2 remind u...work hard...if can..off ur fon when studying...if dun1 off u also muz straight away tell ' sumone ' u studying o busying...and...i waiting ur suprise o...hahaha work hard...and dun kek si coz of me o..haha ]]
140707 -- [[funny + enjoy day hahaz...]] 2334
July 11, 2007
-^- wat happen ? -^-
i also duno wat i busy with ??
school stuff i already retired d la...
tuition ? impossible ...haiz...duno la
yesterday is my fren phooi yarn b'day...
we give her a suprise when PJ...she din aspect we will buy a cake 4 her
coz she din see us discuss it in class also...
haha another cry when we sing b'day song 4 her...
really very sweet n nice the memory between 5p1
we play game with the b'day gal 1 at 1st...
den when we wana start our game
we count 1 2 3 ....
den we sing b'day song 2gather...
but not start our game...
haha she tiok che kia...wakakakaz...and cry...
so touched ? haha...
then 2day so wu gu...
let the stupid fishie bully me..
always wan la...
but she very cham wan...
duno how 2 choose time 2 bully me eh...
always kacau n bully me when i concentrate doing homework
o paying attention on teacher...
haiz...sweat with her...haha
dis few day really tired ler...haiz...
duno y also...juz feel tired...but i din do anything also...
hahaha...gt problem d...
2day after bek from sch...
praisy fetch me go to ting ting hse...
2 copy her foto into disket...
haiz...of coz i follow lo...den when bek home...
after a while comfirm sumtin with qian yu...
tiok go tuition d lo...
2day tuition really fun ler...
tat ee ler..always ask me sit in d middle...
hng...sui lang...
2day gt many many story from cikgu yap lo...
she give us do the moforlogi
my god..haha we 2 1 also duno...
after tat bek to home...
headache ler....cant do anything also...
coz tat stupid headache make me geram...haiz...
so plan to slp d after blogging...
den wake up when 3am..haha geng leh
but duno can onot...try 1st la
experiment 1st...
if can...nex time i will slp when 9pm sumtin...
den wake up when 3am...haha..
hope it will success ler...
i wan die d...
1 ticket also din sell tiok...
really useless...hng...
but sumtimes i really xian mu sum ppl
dey fren will accompany she go n watch drama show 1 wo...
i ask fren who around me in class...
NOBODY will go...i 100% sure....
haha froggy say they are not my good fren
actually i din admit they are....
July 07, 2007
July 04, 2007
%% LAZY %%
coz after merentas desa i go pmall ma..
accompany praisy work...den go hair saloon ask sumtin..hehez...
when bek home...luckily dad din scold..
coz me dis few day almost 1 week will go pmall 1 o 2 times...
den sumore go till 6sumtin onli reach home...
haiz...i also dun1 eh ma...
then when bek home..
already like a dead fish d...so so tired...
luckily din gt homework...phew~~
den juz on9 4 a while...study sejarah 4 a while
tiok go n slp d...slp till 11pm...
mum wake me up...i prepare my things d...continue slp..hehez
dis morning wait khai ling at front door...
from 6.58am...wait till 7.18am...
almost wan half hour d...
i though she absent again...den i gt 1 free pizza to eat d...
manatau she juz late...chew....
but happy also saw her din absent again d....
today whole day in class feeling not well at all..
duno is becoz of the haze dis few day o wat...
feel difficult to breath....
aspecially today....but nobody noe it...hehez...
then just control myself lo...cant do anything also...
coz i din gt d medicine ma...
sumore i 4gt ki....
i eat ice cream after recess...kuk ka gai....('~')
actually i plan to return the drama ticket to NOISE but
i din saw her today...so return 2mrw...
i lazy again....
lazy to study again...
when open my books...
duno is study o dreaming...juz open it...
den duno thinking of wat d...sumore will think till very far...
++dis few day eh whether wan me die...
so hot at nite o noon also same...
so today whole nite~~~i juz study 3pages of book onli...
useless !!! haiz....
no eye to c my trial result...
how ??? how am i going to concentrate ?? haiz..
think think....
2mrw midnite...
my sis is cuming bek o...when 4am o 5am...
den i can follow dad go fetch her den go to sch..hehez...so good
but she juz come bek for 2 o 3days nia...haiz...but..good den she din cum bek ler...
[[ 5-7-07 ]] whose birthday ???
my palsu sister [C]hiew[Y]ing la...
wish her
and so sorry tat i cant celebrate with u...
hope u will enjoy ur b'day and happy always...