the secret inside M&M...haha...thx...really thx...!! ^.^

today morning very very sleepy ler...
sleep till duno wat time i onli wake up...haha..i mean in sch canteen...
den ok lo...coz i feel cold ma...so go n buy a cup of hot milo 2 drink...
den din have breakfast d la...
tat milo is my breakfast d ma...
den straight away go bek class d...
but...really my god...
when the 2nd period of perdagangan...
i gastrik again...dis time like las time pain till wana cry...
den when bek from fizik lab...is start 2 pain till wana die d...
when Pn. Chin period..totally cant concentrate at all..
luckily she juz teach tatabahasa...if sastera..sure die..hahaz..
den after tat i bring a bottle of 100plus..go toilet a while..
den go n find sui lang tortoise d lo..
she so siao wan...ask me go 3rd floor find her
when find her...she juz ask me whether noe which jalur gemilang is colour by her eh..
haiz...i gastrik also cum n find her wo..she so bo leong sim...haha
sumore rampas 100plus with me...
den we go down canteen 2gather...
but i get perli by praisy wo...haiz...duno la...she sot eh...
den...bek to class d lo...after recess...
den still ok lo...science period i still can jump lai jump ki...
so nthg d...recover d...coz drink 100plus d ma..
den after school..i force fishie 2 wait tat tortoise with me...
tat time i already start headache d...
we go buy the crabstick opposite school 1...
but when we walk there...chew...2day off...din open....cheh...
waste my energy ler...
after tat i have ate 2 ice cream while waiting her ler...
duno will stomachache onot..haha i think wont kua...
bek to her hse...
start our mission d la...hand very pain ler...
but at last we have finsih our mission d lo..
happy leh...fast ler...we efficient eh ma...rite ??
although i get scolded by mum n dad..
but d surprise make me happy again from down...
thx ya...!!!
really thx....
and i dun1 sry from u ler...coz not ur fault..
is my own fault...hahaz...
[[ to the ppl who scold me today...if u think i can bek by bus everyday with so many dangerous..ok lo..tats ok...i also will continue ask my fren fetch me..coz u duno how difficult while take bus..while walk bek to home..while waiting bus...if i take bus...26..i have to walk bek 20minits..sumore have to cross over many road...u think tat is ok..nvm..i wont listen..blekz...
if u think..i go my fren hse is wrong...u r wrong..i juz go n finish our work..but not play..in ur mind..when we hang out o go to fren hse...always is juz =play=..NO...if u wan my math and other subject fail in SPM..u can continue ask me dun go ...but i also wont listen also..blekz..]]
[[ to my fren...tortoise...really thx 4 ur surprise...it reallt surprise...M&M..haha i din expect it b4...but d msg really thx ler...i noe u prepare it 4 long long time d...thx n thx n thx ler...but i enjoy it la...== who eat d sweet inside d M&M bottle...i will cop her == haha....thx...! muackx ]]
i know altho it's not so surprise...
but i really put in much effort to do it..
hope u ll really like it lar..=)
i really like it la...
actually really surprise..
juz i dun1 tell u in d fon nia ma..haha...
i noe u have put in many effort to finish and think it...
however...THX again...
i really like it..and appreciate it..
monkey arr..
plz take good care of urself larr...
pity nia c u like dis...
take care alwez lerr....=)
again sui lang + tortoise??
u oso gao leh..
noe which wan i colour eh...
where got rampas worr??
no merr...
thx ya..
bcoz go to padang there...
sry lerr i forgot to tell u monday dun sell eh...
pai seh lerr...=X
kind lar u..
n gao lor..
i din say wanna buy what oso u oso noe...=)
efficient lar us...
but u kinda stu..
buy d wrong thing...
laugh si me d...
gotta rite d letter for fishie to noe...
i noe u bad mood baru give u d surprise...
so rush...
bcoz u wanna back d ma..
i tiok che kia dunno wan put where...
so cin cai put in d plastic bag ler..
u din notice tiok oso...
i m waiting for ur surprise oo...=D
u r welcome...
i dun break my promise to u leh...
den u ma gonna cop ur mum??!
enjoy ya...
d hand writing bit ugly lar...
not used to use ink pen to rite chinese...
sry lerr...
i will take care la...
dun worry...i think wont gastrik again d kua..
haha u r sui lang + tortoise..
u muz admit it ma...
a name i create 4 u eh wo...haha
of coz la..i clever eh ma..
noe which 1 is d most ugly 1
sure is colour by u..haha
of coz kind la me...
who also noe u like to eat crabstick kua..
haha really thx 4 ur surprise...
if not..now i sure no mood ...
no mood to on9...no mood to blogging..
haha but opposite..thx ler
wei...i say real eh..
i scare i cant finish prepare ur surprise in dis week...
real eh...
she so sui..
curi eat 1 d...wana kill her d...
hng hng hng...
haha din ugly la..
the hand writing..
abo u wana use print meh ?
i prefer u write urself lo..hehez
u so geng leh..
gastric oso can walk around the whole sch d..
4 me du is sit at claz dn v a face look like wan die d..
drink 100plus can d meh??
din will pain liao eh ah??
now onli notice ur comment..
i always drink 100plus eh...
u also will gastric ??
nex time u try n c lo the 100plus..haha
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