today is a special day..080808
is olympic opening and also is my BIRTHDAY
i receive around 20++msg last night..
thanks ya friends
as usual that i go school at the same time
then when assembly that siao ping tell many ppl that i birthday
ask them to wish me..haha...funny ping
after a whole day busy..
cause friday i got duty twice..
1 is canteen another 1 is after school...
after that i go pmall buy something with fish and ping..
i feel weird d..why we will so ngam meet tomato them at there ??
after me and fish finish buying..
we call ping for quite hungry
then she say she want go bread history to buy breads
bacause is a big offer that day...
but she wan pass by PIZZA HUT wo..
then when reach pizza hut...she and fish straight away go in
when i go in..i heard many ppl singing birthday song..
is my class and school mates...
wowww...what a surprise...
actually i know it earlier..but i dunno got so many ppl..hahaz..
after that we go for movie '' The Mummy Return ''
not bad lo...haha..we have fun there...
hanging out with all of them is really fun..
aspecially ping, yunpei,tomato and so on...
aspecially ping, yunpei,tomato and so on...
after movie we walk around then back d..
the next day saturday is our MUET exam o..
but they still have a celebration for me...
really thanks.. and love u all...
who is going on that day ?? hehe
who is going on that day ?? hehe
1. ME
2. ping
3. Lemon
3. Lemon
4. Monique
5. Yun Pei
6. Shiou Qing
6. Shiou Qing
7. Joo Fong
8. Yun Pei
9. Tomato (seow give)
10. SIM jia ying
11. Hooi See
12. fish
13. Hui Min
13. Hui Min
14.Boe yee
15. BY husband..haha ah shu
16. Wilson Teng
17. Wei hong...our class CUTIE..kakaz
18. Chun Kit...
19. and our special VIP - Shu Mooi...
19. and our special VIP - Shu Mooi...
20. ah bro..
i think thats all..hahaz
that day really fun and fool around...
miss u all alots...
we will meet again on 22/8/08 right ??
i waiting...kekekez

a dancing monkey...its CUTEEEE
when i on will dance with the beat and timing too..cute cute
thanks ya..hying, alice, sharon and u all..muackxx
its quite nice...
a pair of shoes copyright by wilson..haha..nice right ??
another view of the shoes...
do u know what is inside ??
a green frog and a green hairbend..and................
a green hair pin..haha and...........
the cake looks so yummy ler...
chocolate some more square e
special than the round e..
i long time din see square e cake dee
heard they say is from bread history wan
really yummy ler..
yaya special hor square shape wan..
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