MBS Prom Night at citytel
that day me and ping early plan to ponteng d..
then early in the morning around 7am
ping some to my house
after breakfast we started our work
the last step to complete the sash
then do the poison box etc..
then we have our lunch at my house
around 2pm
fish swim to my house hehe
we wait poh Zhong to fetch us
actually we can reach there earlier but PZ dunno the road
so late abit...
after that we use quite long time in toilet haha
at 1st me ping and mo wear short pants and a black shirt
because our class performance is the 1st wan
many ppl keep on ask us why dun go and change the clothes ??
haha i will answer...like this special ma..
after out performance we rush to toilet and change clothes ler
i think around 5mins gao dim
wow...that night 3 of us gastric ar...
we really hungry ar...i think wait until 9pm only can start our dinner
i really cant tahan d..
[[ oh ya i have our performance video if can i will post up here too..hehe ]]
after finish all the things like awards etc
we go to new world park have some drinks
but me and ping still that hungry
we order mee to eat..wilson too
where we go ?? old town lo..hehe

haha..i gt smthg to say abt this..tell u next time..hahaha
huh?? what thing ??
my clothes ?? haha..
i very kan kor u know tat day
haiz...walk also kan kor..
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