so have to post up my cute foto..kakaz
yesterday is our convocation day...
morning go school and non stop eh take foto... have many foto d...
den nite we go to steamboat o....
so enjoy and happy day....
1] most recent picture of me
[ have a new habit that i must listen mp3 when study at home...]
if not i will walk lai walk ki...cant concentrate...
2] pic that showing peace sign
the onli 1 foto of me tat show the peace sign
3] a picture with another friend
both of us love dis foto much...coz nice ma..kakaz
4] a picture of me in a weird/ random place
4] a picture of me in a weird/ random place

5] a picture of you in black and white

6] a picture of you with hair up

erm...duno is hair up onot...kakaz
7] a picture of you with weird face

8] a picture of you in black shirt

9] a picture of me with red colour shirt

10] a picture of you in green colour shirt
11] a picture of you with your halloween costume.
hehe i din got dis foto o...sorry...
12] a picture of your mouth open
din gt wo...but if got i also dunwan post it here ugly..hahaz
din gt wo...but if got i also dunwan post it here ugly..hahaz
phew at last finish d... my turn to tag my friend d...
the 1st one that i wana tag is...
[[1]] miss dori + froggy...haha blekz
[[2]] miss tortoise kekez
[[3]] sabun vanessa
[[4]] if can zhen lynn lo...hehez
1 comment:
swt la....why wan tag me pula????zzz.....but if really wan then me also will do it la....who ask u treat me so good....hahaz....
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