terpaksa minum..coz sister say me nutrient not enough ....haiz....
this is the smaller size eh milk box..wakakakaz
las time b4 my sis go to KL we mostly buy 2 medium box eh milk eh
but now haha i change to 1 smaller 1...i wan vomit d after drink it...=[
haiz...wana slp d lo...
good nite everyone...
hehe...not enough nutrient ar u..jose are rite...u too thin...haha.... wei..thanks ur comment... i like it loo...how ur sch d ler ?? hehe....don sad and rest more oo...don get sick ar...dis palsu sister will sim tia wan ...ok la...muackz~~~~
palsu sister ?? haha funny
yala...the jo always ask me drink more milk...
drink till me wan vomit d...
i wont sad 1 la..dis dew day really fun in my class and school...
choi..wont get sick 1...
u too la..tale care...
and tataz...muackz
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