At last i have take out a heavy rock inside my heart
today 8.30am i have go to tambun and have a rainbow group pactice
i have learn many thing from there...
they use gosho and share many things to us...
i have learn that we must be more brave and strong in our life
no matter doing what....
dis cuming 31-8-07 penang have invite our Soka Gakkai and have a performance of gymrama
many people and friends ask me to take part and be a performer...
i really want to try how is the feeling that gym, koteikitai, rainbow and so on join togather to perform a great show
but i din't have the chance to feel it...
today when Rainbow practice..
i have use more then 15minutes to discuss with PIC
i told them that i really cant take part in the cuming Rainbow group day
cause the end of October is SPM d...
so happy that they know my feeling and din ask me compulsary muz attend..
they give me a chance to choose what i want..
actually what i want is on that day of rainbow group day
i just want to be a stage crew or a helper at backstage
but at the last..
they also ask me try to learn all d dance then only decide that whether i can or cannot...
tomorrow i am going red box d...
but din't feel any happy also..
dunno y...just feel that got some weird...
maybe i really more like to go red box with my sister them
hope that i can enjoy myself tomorrow..^^
what a regret cant take part!!
but u have ur exam d ma...
dat's more important rite??
jz learn as much as u can lar...=)
thx ya my friend...
i will...
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