dis blog is me dipaksa oleh sumbody tat ask me muz write eh
actually now juz bek from fren hse...
and so stim and tired + sleepy lo...
start from las nite...
las nite duno y suddenly decide to go tortoise hse again...
1) our discussion not yet finish hehez...
2) go there study lo...
actually not bad la...2day...
although we always talk talk talk non stop...
but i also have finish study 1 chapter of sejarah
and half chapter of science...not bad also hor...
we discuss many thing 2day...
many things tat we din expected b4 ...haha...
but...her room really luan lo...juz becoz of the autograph..?? haha...geng la...
6 hours wo...but nvm...mine 1 she will write it 4 18hours...wakakakakaz
promise d...canot break...hehez...
erm...den muz thx to her also lo...
make a so yummy lunch 4 me....honestly...really yummy ler...hehe...
but ....
tat tortoise sot sot 1....
paksa me put the chain at my hp...siao siao wan...
buy d...but she din use paksa me use it pulak...haha..
bo guan...u muz put it also...coz gt 2 ma...hehe...
i dun1 put she say me hurt her ?? haha so...put lo...
i din think b4 tat we can have so so so many topic 2 talk and discuss 1 lo...
anything tat between us o fren...we have discuss all...
no matter who...haha...pat leh...
2day is talk talk talk....hehehe
but nex time when i go again....really muz study d lo....
actually hor...
i think tat i not so ngam to come to ur hse 2day eh...
coz ...u juz finish duty and din rest tiok leh...
somemore before i bek...
haha so funny wan...the tortoise and teh froggy both also slp ki....
at last luckily forggy juz half slp...can open the door 4 me...
if not i have to ask auntie open it 4 me ler...
say thx [[ thx to ur delicious and yummy lunch 4 me...hehe...thx the 1 page of science tat u teach....thx 4 u paksa me study 1 chapter of sejarah 2day..haha.... ]]
after i bek...
i msg my godsister...
i tell her tat i really tired and still gt many homework
so tat i cant attend 2mrw rainbow practice d...
so sorry....i will go nex time...hehez....
thx 4 ur permission...muackx
u lua me...
is i expect u oso ll rite eh...
so not i paksa u eh..
our 'discussion'
not bad lar...
ya lor...
my room like sampah tang...
i ll rite special eh jz 4 euu...
ok? =)
my lunch yummy leh...
jz now dun 1 tell me face to face...
now only tell...
u scared me fly orr?
u say till so mian qiang...
like very wei qu...
sob sobxx..T.T
chubbie larx dat little thing...XD
v not pat lar...
jz "concern"..
next time must really sit down n study d...=)
nvrmind lar...
u dun come i ma si slp...
at least v do smthg...
i oso dunno why at last i slp ki worr...
d frog lar...
jump inside...
den c tiok her tiok sleepy...=P
if not u ma overnite here lor...
bcoz my parents tot u ll overnite here too...XDD
dun feel stress ya...
if u feel so plz tell me...
if not i sacred u over ressure urself...
is *pressure...
n i wanna say o...
d chain cute ma...
i also ll put lar...
but horr...
dat one is couple eh...
are we??!
haha...y u so chubby 1...go n buy couple eh chain..
bo lat with u
cute meh ??
okok nia lo..hahaz
ya..nex time really muz sit down n study d..
before she jump inside
u already slp ki d wo
sumore lua her pulak..
haha ...
sure la..
tell u yummy face to face
u will fly ...
den if u fly ki..ma nobody accompany me at home d lo...
i will tell u if too over ler
the autograph really nic3!!!
haha nice leh...
but not my creation...hehez
dun say nice..
abo later the tortoise fly to the sky again..haha
now i only know why ur tagboard there
have my name [[suddenly]]
haha yala...
tat tortoise lo...wakakakaz
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